Pro rata means legal

Definition: A pro rata share is a part of the whole that is allocated on a proportionate basis. Common expenses could be allocated to different departments in a  29 Sep 2015 What on earth does pro rata mean? The Mix clarifies Find your local Citizens Advice here, for free and independent legal advice. Or call their 

Pro Rata Sharing Provisions in Credit Agreements: What Lenders and Loan Investors Need to Know. Download Pratt's Journal of Bankruptcy Law a question has arisen as to what it means to amend the “pro rata” sharing requirements. 31 Mar 2018 commencement of the CPD year you must complete, on a pro rata “Uniform Law” means the Legal Profession Uniform Law as applied in a. 17 May 2016 [4] A “pro rata” approach, on the other hand, means that each policy “Pro rata” allocation is a “legal fiction” intended “to treat continuous and  A pro rata clause in an automobile insurance policy provides that when an insured person has other insurance policies covering the same type of risk, the company issuing the policy with the pro rata clause will be liable only for a proportion of the loss represented by the ratio between its policy limit and the total limits of all the available insurance. Pro Rata Law and Legal Definition. Pro rata is a Latin term meaning "in proportion," referring to a share to be received or an amount to be paid based on the fractional portion of value, such as ownership, responsibility or time used. A renter of a rental property may pay his/her pro rata share of a monthly rate if the rental ends before the month expires.

Define Pro Rata Portion. means, with respect to each Holder requesting that its shares be registered or sold in an Underwritten Public Offering, a number of such shares equal to the aggregate number of Registrable Securities to be registered or sold (excluding any shares to be registered or sold for the account of the Company) multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the aggregate

means any company or other entity inserted or otherwise identified using the feature of the infringe the legal rights (such as rights of privacy, publicity and  16 Feb 2012 National Law Review SEC Proposes to Update “Accredited Investor” Definition by: Andrew Rosell and Alex Allemann "Equitable Sharing Rule" Requires PIP Insurer to Pay Pro Rata Fees Even When It Also Insures In Mahler, the court held that a PIP insurer must pay a pro rata share of the insured's  A free glossary of business contracts jargon, legal terms and definitions; if you have a good understanding of what contracts and their terminology actually mean. For example, a pro rata share issue is offered in proportion to the number of  If these multiple-owner companies are legally structured as regular corporations or elect tax treatment as a corporation, the concept of pro rata taxes does not  Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pro rata. Pro rata is an adverb or adjective, meaning in proportion. The term is used in many legal and economic  of a Latin legal term? Our definition list of Latin law terms gives meanings for the most common Latin terms used in law. Pro rata. Definition: In proportion 

31 May 2016 Register now for your free, tailored, daily legal newsfeed service. existing case law, an employee can have an inalienable pro rata bonus claim if the This means that only the criteria that have been agreed upon or, in the 

Pro rata means in proportion. If money is given out pro rata, everyone gets a fair share. Definition of pro rata: Proportionate allocation or distribution of a quantity (such as costs, income, shares, taxes) on the basis of a common factor. For example 

Pro rata is an adverb or adjective meaning in equal portions or in proportion. The term is used in many legal and economic contexts. In corporate practice, "a pro -rata dividend means that every shareholder gets an equal proportion for each 

17 May 2016 [4] A “pro rata” approach, on the other hand, means that each policy “Pro rata” allocation is a “legal fiction” intended “to treat continuous and  A pro rata clause in an automobile insurance policy provides that when an insured person has other insurance policies covering the same type of risk, the company issuing the policy with the pro rata clause will be liable only for a proportion of the loss represented by the ratio between its policy limit and the total limits of all the available insurance. Pro Rata Law and Legal Definition. Pro rata is a Latin term meaning "in proportion," referring to a share to be received or an amount to be paid based on the fractional portion of value, such as ownership, responsibility or time used. A renter of a rental property may pay his/her pro rata share of a monthly rate if the rental ends before the month expires. A Latin term meaning "in proportion," pro rata is a method of allocating fractional amounts of something equally among all parts of a whole. Where interest rates are concerned, the practice of pro rata allows a periodic interest rate to be divided into smaller units (e.g. converting an annual rate into a monthly rate). Pro rata is an adverb or adjective meaning in equal portions or in proportion. The term is used in many legal and economic contexts. The hyphenated spelling pro-rata for the adjective form is common, as recommended for adjectives by some English-language style guides. In North American English this term has been vernacularized to prorated or pro-rated. Legal Definition of pro rata clause. : a clause in an insurance policy limiting an insurer's liability for a loss to a proportionate share in relation to coverage collectible from other insurers for the same loss. — called also pro rata liability clause, standard other insurance clause. Pro rata literally means the division of something – in equivalent parts – to make up a whole. It doesn’t mean that all parts are equal, but that each piece is given value in proportion to something else.

of a Latin legal term? Our definition list of Latin law terms gives meanings for the most common Latin terms used in law. Pro rata. Definition: In proportion 

means any company or other entity inserted or otherwise identified using the feature of the infringe the legal rights (such as rights of privacy, publicity and  16 Feb 2012 National Law Review SEC Proposes to Update “Accredited Investor” Definition by: Andrew Rosell and Alex Allemann "Equitable Sharing Rule" Requires PIP Insurer to Pay Pro Rata Fees Even When It Also Insures In Mahler, the court held that a PIP insurer must pay a pro rata share of the insured's  A free glossary of business contracts jargon, legal terms and definitions; if you have a good understanding of what contracts and their terminology actually mean. For example, a pro rata share issue is offered in proportion to the number of  If these multiple-owner companies are legally structured as regular corporations or elect tax treatment as a corporation, the concept of pro rata taxes does not 

Pro rata is a Latin term – meaning “in proportion” – that is used to assign or allocate value in proportion to something that can accurately and definitively be measured or calculated. In North American countries, pro rata is often referred to or referenced as “ prorated Prorated In accounting and finance, prorated means adjusted for Assumpsit Pro Rata Law and Legal Definition. Assumpsit pro rata means he undertook according to the proportion. When all of the sum is received part of which was plaintiff's money, with knowledge thereof, on a pro rata basis, the implied obligation under the theory of assumpsit for money had and received is an assumpsit pro rata, that is, that Here’s a story told in this post on the BeLabor the Point blog: A contract between a company and a departing employee stated that the company would pay the employee “an annual salary in the amount of $56,398.68 pro rata from the Termination Date of April 1, 2013 through May 24, 2013.” The company subsequently issued the […] Definition: Pro rata means the proportional allocation of a given numerical figure. In other words, it is the distribution of a given amount by using pre-established percentages. What Does Pro Rata Mean? What is the definition of pro rata? This term comes from the latin pró ratá, which means according to the calculated share. This is a But the real question you may have is: what do pro rata and per stirpes mean? It is important to understand this difference in designation because while it can be changed at any time while the account owner is alive, once they have passed, it is irrevocable. Pro Rata Example To arrive at your pro rata salary, you must know what the job pays on a full-time basis, what your employer views as full-time hours, the number of weeks you will be working during the year and your required work hours per week. For example, to determine your weekly pro rata salary, divide your annual pro rata salary of $24,000 by 52 to get