Trade classification codes vat paye 403

A condensed list of SIC codes for providing Companies House with a description of your company's nature of Find your trade description or nature of business. Area code. Magisterial district. L. Office date stamp. Main Branch: PAYE Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS  

Trade classification codes (refer to brochure - VAT/PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Major division Activity within major division Website address State main activity Postal address: 6. Particulars of Business (continue) Trading or other name Physical address of the business Postal code Bus tel no. Fax no. Cell no. Unit VAT 404 – Guide for Vendors 10 Important Principles 10 IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES 1. All prices charged, advertised or quoted by a vendor must include VAT at the applicable rate. (Presently 14% for standard rated supplies). 2. Vendors collect VAT on behalf of the State – please make sure that you pay it over on Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes. 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01120 Growing of rice 01130 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers 01140 Growing of sugar cane 01150 Growing of tobacco 01160 Growing of fibre crops 01190 Growing of other non-perennial crops 01210 Growing of grapes SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes are used as a framework for classifying business activities based on a list of numeric codes. SIC Codes are used by Companies House and HMRC as a means to identify and group businesses by the sort of products and services they supply. SIC Codes are used as part of the VAT registration process by HMRC. The Trade Class indicator is made up of a prefix letter and a number. It is used to denote the class of trade for the scheme you are setting up.

SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes are used as a framework for classifying business activities based on a list of numeric codes. SIC Codes are used by Companies House and HMRC as a means to identify and group businesses by the sort of products and services they supply. SIC Codes are used as part of the VAT registration process by HMRC.

Trade classification codes (refer to brochure - VAT/PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Major division Activity within major division Website address State main activity Postal address: 6. Particulars of Business (continue) Trading or other name Physical address of the business Postal code Bus tel no. Fax no. Cell no. Unit VAT 404 – Guide for Vendors 10 Important Principles 10 IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES 1. All prices charged, advertised or quoted by a vendor must include VAT at the applicable rate. (Presently 14% for standard rated supplies). 2. Vendors collect VAT on behalf of the State – please make sure that you pay it over on Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes. 01110 Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds 01120 Growing of rice 01130 Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers 01140 Growing of sugar cane 01150 Growing of tobacco 01160 Growing of fibre crops 01190 Growing of other non-perennial crops 01210 Growing of grapes SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes are used as a framework for classifying business activities based on a list of numeric codes. SIC Codes are used by Companies House and HMRC as a means to identify and group businesses by the sort of products and services they supply. SIC Codes are used as part of the VAT registration process by HMRC. The Trade Class indicator is made up of a prefix letter and a number. It is used to denote the class of trade for the scheme you are setting up. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Activity within major division Major division Postal address Postal code Cellular phone number Page 1 CODE CODE TEL CODE FA X SP V2012.01.00

Best Bet - Most Relevant Search Result Site Page PDF Document Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT/PAYE 403) Major division Activity within major division Postal address Postal code A. Individual B. Partnership C. Company/CC/Shareblock D. Public/Local authority E. Association not for gain F. Estate/Liquidation G. Club H. Welfare organisation I. Trust

Trade classification codes. (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Activity within major division. Major division.

Trade classification codes (refer to brochure - VAT/PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Major division Activity within major division Website address State main activity Postal address: 6. Particulars of Business (continue) Trading or other name Physical address of the business Postal code Bus tel no. Fax no. Cell no. Unit

The Trade Class indicator is made up of a prefix letter and a number. It is used to denote the class of trade for the scheme you are setting up.

45310 Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories ♦ 45320 Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories. 45400 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories. Wholesale on a fee or contract basis A condensed list of SIC codes for providing Companies House with a description of your company's nature of business. Standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) - GOV.UK Skip The Standard Industrial Classification Coding System. Click here for the SIC Coder v7. Memo (pdf: 771kb) and Manual (pdf: 2.55mb). Causes of death, diseases & injuries (Based on the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10, 1993.) pdf (217KB) Causes of death, diseases & injuries. Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Activity within major division Major division Postal address Postal code A. Individual D. Public authority / Municipality G. Club B. Partnership / Body of persons E. Association not for gain H. Welfare organisation Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Activity within major division Major division Postal address Postal code Cellular phone number Page 1 CODE CODE TEL CODE FA X SP V2012.01.00 Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS website: Activity within major division Major division Postal address Postal code Cellular phone number Page 1 CODE CODE TEL CODE FA X SP V8.000

PAYE Ref No. Name. PAYE Ref No. Classification code (refer to brochure – VAT / PAYE 403). Main Activity/Trade Classification. Activity within major division. A condensed list of SIC codes for providing Companies House with a description of your company's nature of Find your trade description or nature of business. Area code. Magisterial district. L. Office date stamp. Main Branch: PAYE Trade classification codes (Refer to brochure - VAT / PAYE 403 available on the SARS