Usd to yuan historical chart

Kitco free live US Dollar to Chinese Yuan currency charts and quotes.

The graph above displays historical exchange rates between the Chinese Yuan Renminbi and the US Dollar. If you would like to graph historical exchange rates between the US Dollar and another currency, please select a currency from the list below: CNY to USD currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Chinese Yuan Renminbi to US Dollar allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. US Dollar to Brazilian Real Exchange Rate 4.638 BRL/1 USD US Dollar to British Pound Exchange Rate 0.7826 GBP/1 USD US Dollar to Canadian Dollar Exchange Rate 1.341 CAD/1 USD US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate 7.018 CNY/1 USD US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate 0.8835 EUR/1 USD US Dollar to Indian Chinese Yuan - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March of 2020. Historically, the Chinese Yuan reached an all time high of 8.73 in January of 1994. The Chinese Yuan is expected to trade at 7.04 by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) to CHINA RENMINBI (CNY) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Find the latest USD/CNY (USDCNY=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more

View a table of historical Chinese Yuan Renminbi exchange rates against the US Dollar. You may also export this information to Excel or another spreadsheet 

US Dollar to Brazilian Real Exchange Rate 4.638 BRL/1 USD US Dollar to British Pound Exchange Rate 0.7826 GBP/1 USD US Dollar to Canadian Dollar Exchange Rate 1.341 CAD/1 USD US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate 7.018 CNY/1 USD US Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate 0.8835 EUR/1 USD US Dollar to Indian Chinese Yuan - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March of 2020. Historically, the Chinese Yuan reached an all time high of 8.73 in January of 1994. The Chinese Yuan is expected to trade at 7.04 by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) to CHINA RENMINBI (CNY) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Find the latest USD/CNY (USDCNY=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more US Dollar(USD) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi(CNY) Currency Exchange History Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, US Dollar(USD) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi(CNY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies.

USD to CNY currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Renminbi allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years.

Historical Chart of U.S. Dollar to Chinese Yuan: Year 2005 - 2020. Get free historical data for the USD CNY (US Dollar Chinese Yuan) currency pair, viewable in daily, weekly or monthly time intervals. USD CNY Historical Exchange Rate. Historical Date, US Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Analysis. Tuesday, 17/03/2020, 1 USD = 7.0082 CNY, USD CNY rate for 

USD to CNY currency chart. XE's free live currency conversion chart for US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Renminbi allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 

USD CNY Historical Exchange Rate. Historical Date, US Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Analysis. Tuesday, 17/03/2020, 1 USD = 7.0082 CNY, USD CNY rate for  Chinese Yuan - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March of When investors or entities want to exchange dollars for the Chinese currency,  View a table of historical Chinese Yuan Renminbi exchange rates against the US Dollar. You may also export this information to Excel or another spreadsheet  Graph and download economic data for China / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate 2020-02-07: 7.0003 | Chinese Yuan to One U.S. Dollar | Daily | Updated: Feb 10,   Kitco free live US Dollar to Chinese Yuan currency charts and quotes.

Chinese Yuan - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March of 2020. Historically, the Chinese Yuan reached an all time high of 8.73 in January of 1994. The Chinese Yuan is expected to trade at 7.04 by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations.

Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) to CHINA RENMINBI (CNY) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Find the latest USD/CNY (USDCNY=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more US Dollar(USD) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi(CNY) Currency Exchange History Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, US Dollar(USD) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi(CNY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies. Chinese Renminbi yuan - United States dollar (CNY - USD) - Historical Prices MOST VIEWED CURRENCIES Also check out This page shows charts for Dollar $/Chinese Yuan currency exchange pair, includes, today's chart as intraday, last 6 month, and also for long term charts as 10 years and 20 years. At chart page of the currency pair, there are historical charts for the USD/CNY, available for up to 20-years. End-of-Day historical data is available for up to two years prior to today's date. For more data, Barchart Premier members can download more historical data (going back to Jan. 1, 1980) and can download Intraday, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly data on the Historical Download tab.Additional underlying chart data and study values can be downloaded using the Interactive Charts. The US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate measures the ratio between the US Dollar and the Chinese Yuan. Exchange Rates can be used to measure the relative health of an economy versus another. Exchange rates are also important in corporations that operate worldwide because it will directly impact their financials.

Graph and download economic data for China / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate 2020-02-07: 7.0003 | Chinese Yuan to One U.S. Dollar | Daily | Updated: Feb 10,   Kitco free live US Dollar to Chinese Yuan currency charts and quotes. In depth view into US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate including historical data from 1981, charts and stats. USD/CNY - 1 week candle graph. ForexPros The Forex Charts Powered by - The Leading Financial Portal. The U.S. dollar to Chinese yuan conversion rate tells you how many yuan you can History. As the chart below shows, China kept the yuan at about the same